Thai Yoga Bodywork Sessions

Join me in a Thai Yoga Bodywork session that will leave you feeling renewed and cared for from the crown of your head to the very tips of your toes.

Traditional Thai Yoga Bodywork is an ancient healing massage practice designed to restore balance of the body’s energy (prana). There are energetic lines which run throughout the entire physical body. When these meridians are clear, energy runs smoothly within and around us. We can then rest better, and handle life’s challenges from a better mindset. Blocked energy (ex: what we often feel as “knots” in the muscles, areas we hold tension or trauma, or a feeling of sluggishness) can lead to emotional and digestive issues, inflammation, physical injuries, ailments, and disease.

In a one hour Thai Yoga Bodywork session you will be guided through a series of gentle, restorative poses allowing these energetic lines to be accessed using acupressure and myofascial release techniques.

What to Expect from a Thai Yoga Bodywork Appointment

  • Plenty of yoga props and blankets will be used.

  • You will dress in comfortable clothing like a typical yoga class, preferably with an extra layer/sweater and socks available should you need them.

  • There will not be any manual manipulation of your body (as in classic massage). Instead, you will be guided through very few postures using breathing cues and gentle, fluid movements.

  • All poses are restorative in nature. Most poses will be lying down on yoga mats- to access energetic lines of the feet, legs, torso, arms, hands and face. While some will be easy, seated poses- to access areas of the shoulders, neck, back and along the spine.

  • No scents will be worn by myself or you, in case of sensitivity.

  • While Thai Bodywork techniques can potentially be used for a variety of healing purposes, my intention is to facilitate a comfortable and safe space for you to mindfully tune into your physical, emotional, mental, and energetic requirements.

    The acupressure points and myofascial release techniques used in Thai Yoga Bodywork have been known to help restore balance to areas we often see issues show-up in, such as: digestion, sleep, stress, tension, and so many more.

  • All recipients are required to complete a Waiver of Liability and Health Questionnaire before our scheduled appointment.

    Payment will be processed at the time of booking. Full payment will be forfeited if you do not show for a scheduled appointment, or cancel with more than 24 hours notice. Rescheduling due to illness will move the payment forward to the next scheduled appointment date.